Saturday, May 30, 2009

Things Are Going Well

I just finished this weeks strip. I also have the pencils done for next weeks strip. I hopefully will finish that strip by next Wednesday, and then start working on the following weeks strip. I hope that by the end of summer to have a 5+ week buffer.

I also spent quite a bit of time working on my first collection of Get That Chicken entitled "Fundamentally Empty." This book will collect the mini-comics I did during 2008. These books are the foundation of what has become the online strip. (cover below)

The book is coming in at 60 pages, I plan to print up about 20-25 copies and sell them for $5.00 each. There will be a PayPal link up, once the book is ready for sale.

I have also started working on my first story for the Meanwhile Collective book. The story will feature characters from the Get That Chicken strip, in addition to an idea that I have wanted to try for about 5-7 years.

That's about all for this week.

Take care,


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