Sunday, July 4, 2010

Busy Busy Busy, But LOVING Every Minute!

Thankfully my day job doesn't start again for about a month. The comicking does not stop, not that I'm complaining.

A New Avengers Cover Sketch.
Sketch card for El Monstrou
Color covers by me for my buddy Eric Mengel's next Ocho mini-comic.

This week I will be doing guest strips over at Monster Commute, it has been discribed as Shark Week (only with Goblins). And while you're there check out some of the other awesome guest strips that proceeded me. Great stuff all around.

Also This week I have an appearance at Atomic Comic Metro for X-men Day. So stop buy and get one of my scribbles on the cover of your new X-men #1. (Hopefully they will look as cool as the Thing avengers cover, fingers crossed.)

I'm currently working on a NEW Get That Chicken story for publication in the Strip mini-comic.

And don't forget Lollygaggin' Adventures every Tuesday and Thursday.

As I said, "Busy Busy Busy, but LOVING every minute!"

take care,


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