Saturday, October 30, 2010

A New Look

I'm re-spooking the Blog!

In honor of my new strip Jenny Spookawski! (coming May 2011)

I know it's a little ways off, but I have to start somewhere. Over the next 6-7 months I will be updating you on the progress of the new strip, sharing designs and talking about all the other project I have cooking.

Speaking of project several things are going on at this time.

-The Lollygaggin' Adventures trade is in development. I'm hoping to release it in February 2011. Still looking for a couple of full color pin-up to include in the book.

-Working on a 2 page story with Eric M. Esquivel of Modern Mythology Press

-Working on some new GET THAT CHICKEN material, which should see print in the new zine - Normal

-I am participating in this year NaNoWriMo Challenge

-Making some new comics featuring Harold and the characters from my CHEESE 24hour mini-comic

So I'm a busy boy, but still hope to start updating this blog regularly with art, project info and just my random thoughts.

take care,


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