Saturday, March 28, 2009

Updating the Blog

Today, I got around to creating my first unique header for the blog. It took me a couple tries to find a wood grain pattern that I liked, but once I found it the rest was fairly easy.

I also added the new "Followers" gadget to the bottom. If you are a regular reader, please sign up. I would like to get an idea of how many people I have reading my strip on a regular basis.

In addition to these blog changes, I spent most of my day working on this weeks strip and planning the next two weeks of the strip. I also spent some time thinking up with ideas for future strips. I'm planning on Monday nights to be sketchbook nights starting in April. Hopefully this time can be spent working in my sketchbook on ideas for future strips.

Not much else going on this week. New strip up in the morning.

take care,


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