Sunday, May 20, 2012

Phoenix Comicon 2012

I will be at Table 928 stop by and say "Hi!"

I will also be hosting 2 panels with my pal Eric Mengel.

on Saturday 4:30-5:30pm in 126B.
We will let you in on the secrets of how we 
writing, draw, letter and color our work. 

on Sunday 3:00-4:00pm in 126C.
Here we will give you our trade secrets on how we 
produce our comics, from drawing to printing. Learn 
how we make comics that look like they were 
professionally printed. 

This year Phoenix Comicon is set to Rock!


Unknown said...

I missed these last year (..or so.) I may have to attend this year!

dennmann said...

Would be awesome to see you there!

dennmann said...

Would be awesome to see you there!